Bayha Blurbs

Monday, December 20, 2010

All I want for Christmas... for Amelia to lose her front tooth! Well, this wish has come true. Of the 4 teeth that she has now lost, this is the first one that she let me pull. One of them just happened to fall out in her lap when she got bumped in the mouth (this is a good indicator of how loose these little buggers get before she'll let them go). Her teacher, Ms. Sarah has been the extraction expert for the other two. So, since Amelia was convinced that her father and I knew absolutely NOTHING about pulling loose teeth, we were instructed to call Ms. Sarah at her house on Friday night. She is a terrific person, and walked us through a few techniques over the speaker phone, and a short time later, that little chomper was on it's way to the Tooth Fairy. The following video will add a few more gory details. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Holidays

Hello from the Bayhas! We hope that you're enjoying your holiday activities, and that you have a wonderful time with your families. We have had a great year! You can click on the slideshow to the right if you'd like to see bigger pictures of what we've been up to.

Matt and Amanda have had a busy year! We had a super fun summer that included many trips to Lincoln City, a few days in Sunriver, a wedding in Port Townsend, Washington, and a few camping trips with friends. Matt and Amelia were both in our friends' wedding here in town, too, which was a lot of fun. We also celebrated our 10th Anniversary! We can't believe it's been ten years...time flies when you're having fun!

Matt is still coaching and teaching at Beaverton High School. He was voted Metro League Coach of the Year for girls water polo this past season! He learned how to windsurf this summer, and is going to start playing water polo with a Master's team soon. Amanda is still staying home with the kids and doing graphic design in her free time. She is on the board at preschool, and has gotten involved with the PTA at Amelia's school, too. She was a co-chair for the big Lewis Holiday Bazaar this year, which was a fun and busy experience!

Amelia is going to be 7 years old in January! What has happened to our little Miss Bean?! She is in 1st grade, and loves school. We are amazed by her reading skills, and the new revelations she has for us each day. She really likes her swimming lessons, and is definitely taking after her father in that department! She's been quite pleased to have been visited by the tooth fairy three times so far, and we'll all be glad when she finally loses the other loose teeth that have her eating like a bird these days. She loves to draw and create "inventions" with old recycled stuff, and has mastered a few games on her DS. She and her daddy love to play Super Mario Brothers together - and I love it when she can show him a new trick or two that he hasn't figured out for himself. Some of Amelia's other favorite things are riding in (or behind) Papa's boat, having tea parties with Grammie, and going to the dollar store or Target with Aunt Teenie or Gaga. She loves playing with her brother, especially when he does what she tells him to!

Bennett is 3 years old now, and has started preschool. He is really getting into it! He was a little nervous about the situation at first, but has decided that he really likes it. His teacher has beamed about how helpful and kind he is to the rest of his class. He has started taking swimming lessons, too - and he's a crazy man in the water! He is still learning some really basic stuff, but he can hardly control himself when he's in the pool. He loves it! He has also turned into a daredevil behind the boat - telling Mommy to "let go of me... I'm gonna do a trick!" - as he tries to stand up on the tube as we're bombing across the lake. We're going to have our hands full with this guy! Some of Bennett's favorite things are drawing, jumping off of the highest things he can find, doing laundry with Aunt Teenie, eating, and telling jokes. He cracks us up every day with the cute and clever things he comes up with!

Charlie is our new pooch! He is such a great addition to our family. We picked him out at the Humane Society in July, and he's been great. The kids love him, and he's wonderful with them. Even when Bennett is practicing his super hero kung-foo "moves" on him. He's probably one of the weirdest looking dogs you'll ever see - and we're really not quite sure what his mix consists of. There's a little of everything in there! Some of Charlie's favorite things are laying on laps, laying on couches, scarfing up treats and "fighting" with anyone who will play with him. We're so lucky to have him.